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day 14 everyday positivity - Savor life

Don't rush, Savor life.

Let the best moments, be the moments you replay in your brain.

Let the memories of good times, good people, and good places linger.

Flood your brain with positivity, so it has no room for the bad and the ugly.

Take 5 minutes out of your day right now to savor a positive memory or reflect on the day.

Are the birds singing? Can you remember blowing out the candles on your birthday cake surrounded by your friends and family from years gone by? What's good in your life right now?

It a short ride, so choose to linger on the good.

Slow down, Savor life.

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2 commenti

13 apr 2021

This makes me happy ☀️

Mi piace
Silver Linings
Silver Linings
13 apr 2021
Risposta a

That makes me happy 🔆

Mi piace
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